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The Pagemaster's Diary of the 21st NECBYF

Details on this page next time.

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March for Jesus

March For Jesus- is an international event annually celebrated by Evangelical Christians to claim the nation for Jesus. The year's theme is "Transforming the Nation for Christ".

The March For Jesus Rally was held last Jun 29,2001 at Kidapawan Rally.  The march which was participated in by several evangelical churches in Kidapawan City started at about 3:00 in the afternoon. The march took from the City plaza going to the public market exiting through Dayao St., then left bound to National Highway until the Catholic Church,  and back to the City plaza lasted for about an hour. At the pole fronting the City plaza immediately takes place the Prayer Rally as administered by Rev. Ballos. Several Prayer Concerns were prayed over including the 1. National and Local Leaders; 2. Occultism/Drug Addiction; 3. Immorality; 4. Graft and Corruption; 5. Sickness; 6. Empowerment of Military and Police (men in uniform); 7. Value Formation/MRP/Philippine Educational System/Freedom and Renewal Foundation/Campus Missionaries; 8. Mass Media; and 9. Claim for Spirit of Prosperity.

The March was led by the Elders of the City chaired by Rev. Sam Paracha and Veep Rev. Bernalte. There were at least 11 pastors and 112 Evangelical Christians that attended the rally.

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RSBYF Camp Held

The 4th Regional Southern Baptist Youth Fellowship (RSBYF) was recently held last May 27-31, 2001 at Amas Pavilion, Amas, Kidapawan City with the theme: "Youth, Stand Firm and Let Your Light Shine Before Men...", with Ra Paul Abraham as the Speaker. Various Lectures on different age level were undertaken from day 2 onwards. Topics includes Listening to God, Trusting God Even When Life Hurts, and Soaring High. Campers experienced a fellowship where contests were undergone in groups or family, so there were equal distribution of delegates regardless of age group and educational level. There were 10 families names after characters in the New Testament.

The first night was a Church presentation. Various talents were presented individually and in group. The succeeding nights were contests/talents presentations.

Campers got that "Camp Behalf". We are proud be have named that. We mean, special partner in the camp. During "love notes, love thoughts", everybody wears a smile and laughter  as the desk jockey reads encouragement messages, palipad hangin, and quotable quotes to inspire a Behalf.

The last night was a concert by Pastor Rolando Nuevo. Sponsors from within Cotabato Province arrived to watch the concert. Because that was held in the Provincial Gymnasium, and outsiders were inevitable, the Staff and Volunteers were too busy to offer guarding at several gates.

After the concert, was an overnight vigil. Campers go with friends and camp behalf for conversation, get together and group dates. Several tokens were joyfully made by intuitive campers as souvenir item for friends and staff who come to help for the success of the camp. Because there were lots of pints of paints left during the stage decoration, campers used it to decorate on stones, woodblocks and barks as souvenir. 

All glory belongs to God.

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MVBYF@50.CAMP, the reunion

more on this page next time. 

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Mars E. Llorito, the Pagemaster to this site has been chosen again to lecture before a group of young professional in the coming 4th Regional Southern Baptist Youth Fellowship. The camp will be help this summer at Amas, Kidapawan City coming April 27-31, 2001. Mars will lecture for Day 2 on the topic “Trusting God Even when Life Hurts”.  Beside this task, he will get involve in the preparation of the camp especially in the stage decoration/preparation. Bert on the other hand, our associate to this site, NECBYF President and RSBYF Veep will lecture to a group of teens on the topic “Listening to God”.  A more complete detail on the Camp schedule of activities can be found at the Camp Sked button.  

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NECBYF Celebration 2000 Held

The North Eastern Christian Baptist Youth Fellowship (NECBYF) has just celebrated its 20th year of Christian service. It was a week long series of activities held at Southern Baptist College Gymnasium, M’lang Cotabato last December 25-30, millennium year, with the theme “Looking Back... Moving Forward in God’s Glory!”. Rev. Saturnino Paul Abraham was the speaker. Thefellowship actually takes every December of the year. The celebration was primarily participated in by youths of Southern Baptist Churches within North Cotabato. Every activity was an exciting mixture of varied events and happenings. Aside from blessed worship services, lectures were undertaken on varied topics. Among the expositors were Pastor Rolly Delgado and Ms Elinore Bergante who lectured on How to Have Quite Time; Bro. Mars Llorito talked about Rock Music, and  accompanied Pastor Rolly Arenga on the Photographic T-shirt Printing; and Mr. Ronald Agpalza on the Card and Give-away Making.

 Of course, there were also chances for getting together. Parlor games, ball games, treasure hunting and some funny games were introduced, so campers get acquainted with each other better in terms of camaraderie and teamwork. The first morning of the day, December 26, 2000, was a town parade around the municipality of M’lang, To the campers, that was a first experience of bringing their banners and flags for the townfolks to know. A flag raising contest was then started to officially open the camp; then follows the athletic competitions, literary and musical competition, and workshop training.

New set of NECBYF officers were inducted into office. Roberto Bangoy, President; Temmy Claud, Vice-President; Welmie Gebero, Secretary; Mary Jane Ebrona, Deputy Secretary; Shayne Chris Gigary, Treasurer; Emilie Ignacio, Auditor; Mazel Rama and Janelyn Arguelles, Business Managers; Doenato Flonasca and Jovy Mission, Public Information Officers; Zone Presidents as representatives; Pastor Rolly Delgado, Pastor Joffry Asis and Pastor Dizon Linda,  Advisers.

 The last night was a heart- beating event of “Trust Fall”. Every delegate were let to fall at their back from a certain height without bending their legs. Its like taking a plunge; and the bottom catch were hands crossing each other. In here, Campers develop trust in their peers. And so, the year’s special highlight was the NECBYF Fiesta 2000, an exciting event to note as this was the first time happened in the history of the camp. A dinner was set at the open field with the preparation manned by each church delegation. After the judging of foods set for dinner, campers roamed and traverse the long table for foods set by different churches. It was a long walk so that when you start picking food from the first table, you arrive at the last one heavily full.  Thanks to the initiative of the officers and their active advisers. We also thank the NECA association for the support, and for the prayers of everybody in making the fellowship successful. We bring back the honor and glory to our Almighty God(WG/RBJr/MEL).

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