We at the shepherd
site would like to help you as much as we can- any means which might be
possible within the scope of our work. Our means of making this electronic web
station available for us is one thing. Visiting you at our convenient time, is
another thing. This
web page was not built just for our satisfaction. Our dream is to bring to your
desktop fresh information from within around, making into the limelight the
trend of today's' means of communication as a tool for God's ministry... and
this is not just our ministry. All of us Christians must get involve.
Our services to you is
100% FREE. Absolutely, you have no obligation to us. We only ask for your
support in terms of prayer, that God will help us, give us wisdom and
persistence to continue updating this web page from time to time.
As part of our services, we publish your church programs,
camp events, fellowship schedules or whatever great happenings in your area. We post pictures from your
campsite and features your youth leaders. We will be publishing testimonies and great answers to
youths' today's problems.
If you want to get involve and be a part of this staff in a various ways, we appreciate it well. Send us a call or contact us by any means. Of course, you must have that services FREE as well.
For local churches and campus organizations within the surrounding community,
you can send us
your articles for publication. Affix your name and signature together with
your Resident Minister or Campus Adviser' signature for
authentication. For further detail, please go to our Contact
Page or send e-mail to the Pageservant.