God’s sovereign plan, all Christians cannot escape but experience an amount of
Suffering in the plan of
Q1: What was the most recent
piece of bad news that really bothered you? Why did it made you so upset?
Q2: What is the most
challenging aspect that you can recall from your own past experience of
adversity? Who was so its difficult?
Tragic news, disaster, death,
violence… people were almost compulsive in seeking reasons for suffering. It is natural to want to know the direct
earthly causes and motivations that lead to sad, troubling or tragic
occurrences. On the other hand, most people are shy away of loking beyond the
temporal to find the spiritual answers to life’s more difficult events.
Most Christians however, will
realize that God’s sovereignty has a role in all events- from the most pleasant
and easiest to accept to the most traumatic and hardest to understand.
Predicts Hostility from the World. From the Upper Room discussion, read:
John 15:18-19. Such statement were reinforced later in His ministry during the
Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5:10-12.
Does the World Hate Us?
Because we Oppose the World. We are only dwellers, and
Christians are not part of the world.
In John 15, the term “world” mean cosmos
and refers to the evil system of sin in the world, and Satan being the head
of the system. Disguised as an “Angel of Light” (2 Cor. 11:14), Satan presents
his world system as a false religion.
Because it Hates Christ. Jesus said in John 15:20,
as excerpted from this verse “… If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute
you.” This second aspect should bring happiness to Christians. If we receive
persecution in this world because we represent Jesus, we experience the
fellowship of His sufferings. In Acts 5:41,the disciples after being flogged by
religious authorities, rejoiced for being worthy to suffer shame for His name.
Because it does Know God. John 15:21, Jesus says,
“But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do
not know the One who sent Me.” Such ignorance with God has contributed greatly
to horrible spiritual and moral degradation, unawareness of truth, and
hostility to what is right. Consider this first century picture of Athens: Acts
17:22-23, “And Paul stood in the midst of Areopagus and said, ‘ Men of Athens,
I observed that you are very religious in all aspects. For while I was passing
through and examining the objects of your worship, I also found an altar with
this inscription, “TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.” What therefore you worship, you worship
in ignorance, this I proclaim you’”.
Why is
Suffering Part of the Plan?. So far, this Chapter do not deals suffering as the
result of the persecution, but is something true believers may expect to
experience. Jesus predicted this troubles in His life( John 16:33), and
the apostles supported Him in this
teaching (2 Tim. 3:12, 1 Peter 4:12) Eve these statement are faithfully
accepted as true, searching Christians still ask why and how(?); to one degree
of understanding, based on one’s level of maturity, can be answered under
one-encompassing reality- that reality is the sovereignty of God, which, when
rightly understood and properly embraced, serves as the foundational lens
through which Christians may see all the truths in Scripture more clearly.
(Gen. 18:25; Isaiah 55:9).
Learned From Suffering. Knowing that any suffering experienced by believers is part of God’s
overall sovereign plan provides its own comfort. However, as with any aspect of
truth in the Christian life, intellectual knowledge is not an exact parallel to
experiential knowledge (James 1:25-27; 2:14-17). Testing the validity of what
believers profess is one of the fundamental reasons God allows suffering (Job
Lessons of Faith. It seems clear that the
foremost reason God tests us through suffering is to test the strength of our
faith. Genesis 22:1-2, in the authors, estimation, is the severest trial any
human being ever faced.
The Lessons of Humility. We should realize that a second reason God sends trials is to
humble us. He uses suffering to remind us not to think more confidently of our
spiritual strength than we should (Rom. 12:3). 2 Cor. 12:7 illustrates Paul’s
experience over Satan, and keeps him exalting from exalting himself.
The Lesson of Rejecting
Materialism. Matthew
6:24 reminds us that no one can serve two masters; Mark 10:17 speaks on the
status of rich in love on money. Because materialism can be such a stumbling
block for believers, a serious reflection of these matters leads to a third
reason for the Lord bringing us trials: to
wean us away from worldly things. It can been my observation that most
Christians, as the years by, will attribute less and less significance to the
temporal things they’ve accumulated. At one time, those things were the most
desirable in life, but they gradually lose that status as a believer becomes
are that they cannot solve major problems or alleviate great anxieties.
The Lessons of Eternal Hope. God send of trials is to
call us to a greater realization of our eternal hope. 2 Cor. 4:16-18 speaks of
Paul own experience. Consider a passing away of a loved one or a believer,
Romans 8:18-24.
The Lessons of First Love. Deut 13:3, Matt 22:36-37,
Jesus brings this matter of first love into sharp focus. Therefore, if you want
otbe completely obedient to Christ, there wil be times when you need to push
aside any and all appeals from family members that should keep you from giving
first priority to Him. God might call upon you to make that most difficult of
choices to test your loyalty. He wants you to pass the test, even as Abraham
did, and thereby prove that He is you first love.
The Lesson of God’s
Blessings. Philippians
2:8-9 affirms Jesus Christ being exalted. Because Jesus was fully man as well
as fully God, He was not exempt from pain and hardship while on earth. He was
called the suffering servant (Isaiah 53), and because of obedience, was exalted
by God.
The Lesson of Empathy with
Others. One
thing all people can appreciate is the ability of others to identify with and
understand their particular life situation, problem, unusual experience or
suffering. Whether its spending time in the hospital and having the doctors and
nurses understand the pain you’re having, or dealing with a disaster and having
a sensitive friend know just what you’re feeling as you battle the pressure, it
is reassuring when others can empathize you. Luke 22:31-32, shows how Jesus
reveled His empathy to Peter.
The Lesson of Enduring
The Christian is in constant warfare (John 17:9-19; Eph. 6:10-18). God places
us in a difficult situations to refine us grow (John 15:1-2). As we move from 1
trial to another, our spiritual muscles are exercised, strengthened, and become
more useful. This whole process builds our spiritual endurance, which makes us
all effective in future ministry.
Get to Prepare for
Natural disasters are more
frequent than ever- or so it seems. All natural disasters are beyond the powers
of men and women to predict or control with any precision. Certainly specific
actions can lessen the impact of the calamity once it begins, and a measure of
general predictions exists so we can anticipate some events. But it is
seemingly conceded that natural disasters are unexpected “acts of God.” The
extend and severity of the suffering that results from this disasters is also
quite unanticipated; therefore, most natural upheavals are beyond our control
and in God’s hands.
key to preparedness in Christian context is to know the foundation of truth
upon which be build our lives. If we are disobedient to walk loyally to the
narrow path of discipleship, sufferings and trials will surprise and
defeat us.
Suffering Comes with Discipleship:
The Servant Is Not Above his Teacher. Matthew 10:24. In the first phrase, we
assumes the disciple chooses his teacher, and in the second phrase, we assume,
the master buys his servant. Christ is simply saying that the first principle
of discipleship is that we must submit ourselves to Him. Our wills are
prominent in the disciple-teacher relationship- we choose to learn under the
direction of a teacher; Christ’s sovereignty is prominent in the in the
slave-master paradigm- He chooses us to be His servants. That is the basic
duality inherent in the doctrine of salvation. In either case, it is obvious
that we are to be submissive.
The Servant Is Not Afraid of the World. As a genuine followers of
Jesus Christ, there is no reason to fear anything. Prov. 29:25: The fear of man
brings a snare, but he who trusts in the Lord will be exalted”. 2 Tim. 1:7-8
God did has not given us spirit of fear, but of power, love and discipline…”
Matthew 10: 29-31 gives us strong
antidote to fear.
The Servant is Prepared for the Worst. Dedicated, wholehearted
followers of Christ will not be surprised by the worst of possible adversity
or suffering, even if it takes the form of opposition from the whole families.
Matthew 10:38-39 speaks of it. For those who are converted from an unbelieving
family, persecution can be real and the struggles are great. N those cases, the
ones you love the most and with whom you should have the closest earthly
relationships can often seem to be your worst enemies.
Discipleship Deflects Suffering. Preventive spiritual
maintenance is implicit in being prepared for the unexpected and having a mind
-set that accepts the basic of discipleship before sufferings and hardships
Discipleship React with Grateful Prayer. Phil. 4:6 speak not to
anxious on anything, but to put everything is prayer instead.
Disciples Are Confident in God’s Providence. Providence relates to the
idea that God provides and orchestrates everything through ordinary means and
natural processes to accomplish His purpose. Paul had a genuine confidence in
god’s providence, whether things are easy or hard ( Phil. 4:11).
Disciples Are Prepared for Satan’s Attacks. Peter 5:8-9; be of sober
spirit, because Satan is like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
Dealing With Suffering.
The primary question you ask probably as you face
trials and persecution is “How will I react?”
Attitude Check. Means you need to exchange your negative demeanor for a positive
attitude in the midst of challenging situation.
Do not Get Surprised. The best attitude through tough ordeals is to
expect them.
Rejoice in Suffering. Matt. 5:11-12, rejoice and be glad in account of
Evaluate Suffering. 1 Peter 4:15-19. Ask God for discernment to understand the
suffering’s purpose and how it contributes to placing us in the center of his
Trust God Amidst Suffering. 1 Peter 4:19: Those who suffer according to God’s
will, let him entrust his soul to his Creator.
Benefits From Suffering.
During particular time of testing or suffering, God
may seem distant or disinterested in our plight. That’s because our human
emotions can override trust in God’s truth, and we can come to believe that no
outcome to our present situation is desirable for us. Job, on the other hand,
shows us the kind of endurance and patience that is eager to trust God and
learn whatever lessons His sovereign purpose desires us to learn.
Suffering Produces Fresh Joy. 1 Peter 3-7 tells of joy amidst trials resulting
to a great faith, as though tested under fire. The joy does not come cheaply or
as a fleeting, superficial emotion. Real joy is produced by much deeper factors
than the circumstances that produce superficial happiness. In joy, no matter what we may have endured,
reveals confidence in our protected inheritance (1 Peter 1:4, 6). It means to
be super abundantly happy in the richest sense- exceedingly glad (Matt. 5:12).
Suffering Enhances Future Glory. Suffering has to happen as vital events in our
spiritual growth process. James 1:2-4 confirm this truth succinctly. As long as
we are in this world, we are called to bear suffering patiently and see it through to God’s ultimate
purpose. That’s when we begin to see
that suffering is beneficial- it is part of our final perfection and
Suffering Produces True Comfort. Oftentimes when a believer’s life is shrouded by
suffering and sorrow, there is a beauty of soul underneath. God allows troubles
and sufferings so that He might give us much comfort and so we can comfort
others also. 2 Cor. 1:3-4.
Suffering Yield Greater Wisdom. Job, who appreciated the value of wisdom, hadm
learned it amidst sever suffering. He had recognized the bankruptcy of his
reason and even the inadequacy of other’s advice and came to understand that
God’s wisdom was the source of understanding all of life and its problems (Job
28:12-20, 23-24,28).
Suffering Yields True Humility. One of the most humbling, yet least regarded
truths concerning suffering is that they do not exclude favorites. Disasters,
accidents, crimes, diseases, economic recessions, and wars affect people of all
classes. The realization that difficulty does not discriminate tends to sober
and humble believers as well. Poverty
for poor Christians, can be an ongoing trial. For them, the challenge is
not in realizing the humility of suffering, but in remembering that they can
rejoice in their exalted spiritual position as Christians.(1 Peter 1:3-6).
Economic deprivation does not detract from the glorious inheritance to be
received in the next life ( Eph. 1:11-14). The wealthier Christian, on the
other hand, does have the challenge of accepting the humiliation that results from trials and suffering :
“And let the rich man glory in his humiliation, because like the flowering
grass he will pass away (James 1:10).
It is therefore always a challenge for believers to
keep their hearts and minds focused properly though a difficult trial or time
of suffering happens. In here, there is a promised learned and a reward
realized…. Is this seemed so theoretical or real to you? 2 Cor. 5:7 says, “For
we live by faith, not by sight”.
further study: MacArthur, John Jr.: The Power of Suffering. Cook
Communications Ministries, USA, 1995.